I'm back from Boston and I think the best way to phrase it all up is, "IN YOUR FACE, BOSTON!" No city on Earth fears my return more than Boston does. In the title bout of David Sibley vs. Boston, Boston killed itself because it knows how much I ruled over it. I set out to be a participant in every Boston cliche there is and accomplished virtually every goal I had with almost no effort. Here's the rundown on everything I did to show Boston how much in sucks in comparison to all that is David Sibley.EAT SOME BAKED BEANS - MISSION ACCOMPLISHEDMy first official act upon arriving in Boston, I spit on it because I knew I was going to get the butt kicking started. Boston pretty much surrender immediately because the hotel gave us some Boston Baked Beans candy just for checking in to the hotel. Here's a picture:
I knew things would be going my way pretty much from now on.
David Sibley: 1, Boston: 0
Ouch. I figured this one would be kind of difficult and I was right. Since Boston hasn't been together in decades and no one listens to them anymore, hearing them on the radio proved to be impossible. In a sense, I kind of won this one because I didn't hear Boston.
David Sibley: 1, Boston: 1
At my mom's convention, there was a Taste of Boston thing. I suckered my way in even though I wasn't supposed to be there and got a bowl of Boston clam chowder. It was just okay, but I did manage to get it all down. At the same time, I had real baked beans (not the candy). That's another half point in my favor.
David Sibley: 2.5, Boston: 1
My original goal was to eat an entire Boston Cream Pie in one sitting, but I opted not to do this. I ate a piece of a Boston Cream Pie and that's probably good enough. It would have cost me a fortune to eat an entire one. Of course, I would have been in that restaurant forever as well. I have better things to do like kick the crap out of Boston.
David Sibley: 3.5, Boston: 1
The first day I was there, I found Cheers about a mile from my hotel. I didn't have the camera. So, I went back the next day.
This picture was taken before a live studio audience.
WARNING: If you want to believe the reality forced down your throat by television, don't look at these pictures. Your mind may be blown by seeing what "Cheers" really looks like.
That's how big the place really is. That Boston Red Sux pennant is the halway marker.
David Sibley: 4.5, Boston: 1
This wasn't an actual goal I had, but I figure both events are pretty Boston cliche. Since this wasn't a real mission I had set for myself, neither side scores.
David Sibley: 4.5, Boston: 1
I was in Boston and what is more Boston cliche than a tea party. This one seemed like it might have been more difficult than listening to Boston, but nothing is too difficult for me. The Simpsons on Sunday night was about having a tea party and I thought that might be the closest I would get. Sometimes when you are as great as I am, you have to doubt yourself occasionally to keep humble like the little people I interact with on a daily basis (you peons).
I went to a grocery store and bought a box of English tea (song not included) and threw the whole box in the Charles River. This wasn't the exact sight of the slightly more famous Boston Tea Party, but it's close enough for me. In an effort to remain ecologically friendly, I opened every bag of tea in the box and emptied it into the river without throwing the bags and plastic in the river (what a humanitarian I am). I then kept the tea bags and box as proof of my destroying English tea as our forefathers did in 1773. I can only assume that mine own Boston Tea Party will become as famous as the first one.
I would have taken pictures of me actually dumping some of the tea, but it was really dark out when I did it. You just have to settle with these pictures of the empty box and tea bags.
TOP: Closeup of the English Tea box. BOTTOM: All of the empty tea bags.
David Sibley: 5.5, Boston: 1When I was done with the tea party, I then urinated (yes, I really did this) on Boston because I knew I had mastered Boston with ease. Seriously, Boston accomlished one thing by me not listening to More Than A Feeling or some other song. Why even show up if you aren't going to try to stop me from beating you senseless?If you fail to see how much I kicked the crap, here's a truck proving that I rule. Boston actually decided that I run the show from now on and are simply changing the name to David. This truck is proof. It's fuzzy and dark, but I swear it says "David's."My final act for Boston was to spit on it again right as I was getting onto the plane back. This is just to show Boston who really is boss of this town. I'll post a more typical kind of travelogue later this week.